Session 53- Sub071, Leiden, Holland 9/17/09
7:45 I am eating breakfast and waiting for Pär to pick me and my stuff up to go out and meet theother guys so we can hit the road towards HOlland on our first Europe gigs in years. We are suppose to to two interviews today as well. ONe for IO Pages and one for Tonka Radio. I am in a very good mood and I think the others are psyched as well. I am listening tothe new LItmus LP. Great stuff.
9:08 We are packing the gear up now and as usual, it is not that easy . Nick's guitar head has a burned out tube and is making some noise so he is going to loan Magnu's Tesco head. Lucky for us it fits nicely into his flight case for his old head. Everyone is in really good spirits but Mogens and Nick did not sleep until 5 and Magnus until 4, so these guys are tired.
9:21 We are on the way to Rødby to catch the Ferry to Puttgarden Germany. We should make the reserved time at 11:45 no problem. Nick is having a beer and the guys are in a good mood after the starter joint! Nick has his computer and is showing people videos of this crazy band Kultur Shock that his band, The Univerzals will play with in November. It is the day after Gov't Mule comes to town, finally.
10:35 We just had a little break to pee, smoke a joint, cigs and we are off again. Only 30km to go. We just heard Pothead- Tuf Luv CD. Pär is played some prog-metal thing as well and now we are hearing some killer Finnish jazz from 1973. Erok something....
11:15 We have arrived in plenty of time for the ferry. Pär just told us a hell of a story. This morning when he went to get the van he found 500SEK on the ground outside a buidling where a lot of weathly people work in the investment sector in Sweden. When he got to the bridge to Denmark, his credit card would not work. If he had not found this money he would have nothing to cross the bridge with. Wow.. That is some good karma...
12:57 We bought 3 cases of beer and one case of coke at the Border shop (250kr -cheap). Mostof us had schnitzel for lunch on the 50min ferry ride and all are feeling well.
3:43 We have been stuck in traffic hell between Hamburg and Bremem. This is really unreal. We still have 400km to go. I think we went 30km in the last 3 hrs. We will be very late for the gig now. We have been listning to some cool music and trying to stay cool... Irish Coffee (belgium 1971), Flower Travelin' Band- Satori, Siena Root- Different Realities, .... I called them and let them know we would be really late.
17:40 We are totally fucked now and might not even make it before 22! We are not even to Osnabruck yet. Traffic hell.... It should take 9 hrs and we are 3 hrs behind now. We must get there as I know there are people who have come from all over holland and some have booked hotels, etc...We will have to drive fast. We heard teh OSC- Dead Man in SPace tracks for the LP. People liked it but Mogens thought the sound on the A side was too clear and lacked depth and all his synths are gone from the mix, almost.
Leiden, Running late....
18:30 Now it is 183km to Amsterdam, at least 2 more hrs to Leiden, I guess. We are listening to Kingston Wall- III. Amazing album.
19:15 We just put 75€ in gas in the van and grabbed some sandwiches and cokes. We heard King Crimson- Wake of Poseidon now.
8:24 ONly 15km away..... Yes....
9:15 We are finally here at the squat place. Wow.. I was not sure we would make it in time to play.
9:45 We are just about to start and I did a short interview with IO pages and had some nice food.
0:200 Wow.. that was a pretty damn cool gig. We played about 1:50 mins or so and some high energy stuff. The people were really into it and it was nice to meet and talk with the guys from Toner Low, Feddo, my long time dutch taping friend, Kingsnake (huge dutch spacerock fan), and others.. This was for sure the smallest place we have and we will every play. Good sound though. The drums are too loud on the recording though. It was a great night...
Set List
Opening Space Cruise, Subo71 (for Carry), Heavy Weather, Something Weird
Leiden Sideways Space Out P1, Leiden Sideways Space Out P2 (one long 43 min