Session 54- Sojo, Leuven, Belgium 9/18/09
10:00 I never felt like I lost complete consciousness last night so I am in a bit of a daze. Luck for me there wasnot a lot of snoring last night as we were all more or less sleeping in this big laft. We had matresses, so that was nice. I went upstairs to sleep soon after we got back so I have no idea when they all went to sleep but I guess they were up having more beers and joints for some hours. We need to try to be on the road around 12 to make it to Sojo for the soundcheck at 15. It is a beautiful day outside and check out the view from where we stayed:
I need to go out and find a cord at a music shop so I can use my Kaossosolator tonight....
12:15 We are leaving Leiden and I was able to find a music store and get the cord I needed. Phew.. Amazing day outside and everyone is in a great mood.
13:45 We are about 60-75km from Antwerp now. We missed the last exits in Holland so no coffee shop stops for us. Pity. We have listened to the new Bakerton Group-El Rojo CD, Five Fiftennn- Psychedelic singalongs for stadiums, and this instrumental CD called Arctica II. Some really cool stuff.
15:15 We have arrived and people are chilling out and smoking.
and mogens relax
15:53 Nick, Pär and I were talking about the parallels between sports and an OSC concert. The fans can get equally worked up up depending on which side of the stage is dominating and the direction ofthe jam. Some are cheering for one guy over the other.. Strange but funny. YOu had to be there...
16:04 We are almost all set up for soundcheck. Hypnos 69 will not do a soundcheck as this is where they rehearse and all their gear is already to go, etc.. This is nice for us. I have set up all the merch and microphones for recording so all is set.
17:26 We had an OK soundcheck and they were working on some possible jam modulations for later. I recorded about 20 mins of the soundcheck. Maybe it will appearr somewhere someday. Food is at 18 and we will play at 19:30 on time. I hope there are a lot of people.
18:00 I have been finding some new sounds on the Kaossolator in the backstage. Nick is playing the guitar and said it was nice to be on tour with Fidel Castro and Gandalf! (referring to Pär and me). Magnus is putting new strings on this guitar and nick is practicing.
18:50 We had a nice dinner- big salad and veggie lasagna. Nick is trying to sleep but everyone else is enjoying a beer and preparing for space rocking. We will play for about 90 mins. Met a guy who is a friend of Sara and Benni's and he said that he was a big fan after hearing all of It's all about Delay at their house on evening and they played it over and over.. Cool.
21:30 The fans loved the show and it was packed with people. I think we played a bit of a sleepy set compared to the night before but still some great stuff. The 2nd jam was really cool, we all felt. Pär was amazing on the bass this night. I could hardly hear Magnus but he seemed to be ripping it up. Nick was much better the night before.PIB, well, he is amazing as well. Mogens and I did our jobs well also and played lots of cool solos and space sounds. I am having some nice chats with the fans who have bought a lot of merch from us. People came from HOlland, belgium and even France to see us. That is cool.
22:15 Hypnos69 are really amazing. Wow. What a band. I had never seen them. The crowd was really into it as well. Some very King Crimson inspired material. We have been chatting with Steve D, a huge Ozrics and space rock fan outside. Cool guy. He was in thefront row for the show and totally into it.
02:30 We finally getto crash out. A great and fun night.
Set List
Flying High, Beer Drinking Map Readers, Orange Factory Jam
Tetra Alpha Spectrum, Space Crash