Session 60- Psychedelic Network Festival, Würzburg, Germany 11/28/09
I am on the train to the airport and will catch the train to Malmö to go pick up the van.
6:45 Just missed the train so I have to wait until 6:56. The van is suppose to be ready at 7:30 so this is ok timing anyway. Mathias arrived in Malmö on time and is just having some breakfast at the station and will meet me when I get the van.
8:55 We are waiting for Nick to finish his cig and then we are off to catch the ferry from Gedser (Denmark) to Rostock (Germany). We should have plenty of time if all goes well.
10:45 IT was a bit of a drama and I was in doubt if we would make it or not due to a tractor and some trucks that were really slowling things down on this one lane road into Gedser. We still have like 24km to go at 10:30 but we made it no problem..
12:05 Mathias, Mogens and I just had some food on the ferry. NOt very good food. Mathias and Mogens are pretty strick vegetarians so a place like this has little to offer besides french fries.. We have been talking about music, synths, etc.. Mogens and NIck had a car race..
16:05 We have arruved in Berlin at Walt's place. I could not remember his last name so we had to go to the net cafe across the street so I could look at my email so we could find it as there were like 20 poeple on the mail box at his address. We are just hanging out and having some tea..
23:45 We just had a great evening. We went out to Schneider Burro, a mind blowing synthesizer place and mogens bought a Cjweman module and some other stuff. I got a Doepher 2 layer case to start building my own modular synth. We could have spent days at this place. Then we met up with my friend Silvana and we all went to eat Indian food, which was not that good but the company was...
Just some of the modular synth suff...
Day 2
9:12 I just got out of the shower and Mathias he already had one but everyone else is asleep. Mogens snores very loud and this kept me up some of the night. I think I slept like 6 hrs though, which is pretty good for me on these trips. I had some juice and a granola bar and am getting ready to log onto to try to get tickets for Roadburn, which go on sale at 10:00. OSC is playing which is amazing but I need to try to get tickets for the Afterburner and also for some Danish friends if I can. I had to make a deal with my daughter as her birthday is during Roadburn and I will miss it, which really sucks for both of us.
10:50. Shit.. Roadburn sold out in 29 minutes. I got in several times to be allowed to by tickets but my netbank verification failed and when I got in the 2nd time it said that I had already bought the limit of tickets so I ended up with nothing! Fuck...
11:20 We are now at the van waiting for Walt and Christina who will drive first. I hope everyone got tickets. I got an SMS from Nils and he got two.
14:00 We are about 200km away and making good time. We are having a pit stop and getting some food and red bull and stuff.
Music we have heard in the van on this trip:
Seven that Spells- THe man from Dystopia, Antibalas- Security, Pothaed- Learn to Hypnotize, Ole Luykkøye- Toomze, OSC- Ultimate Space, Kultur Shock (some live tracks on nicks computer), Pothead- Chaderie, Pothead- Runly Oil Pull, Agitation Free- At the Cliffs, Akasha- Norway 1977, Fela- Army Arrangement,
16:01 We are very close now and this town looks amazing!
door of the club
18:00 We just finished the sound check and will start playing at 18:30.
00:35 I am pretty blown away now. We played a really great concert and the crowd was amazing. The light show mindblowing as well. Ax Gengrich was great, Seven that spells were great and very loud! I sold bascially all the cds that I brought. We no longer have anymore Its all about Delay or Black Tomato cds. Anyway, the band was amazing. Walt and Dave were great and Mathias played totally amazing guitar. He is one of the best we have ever played with. I was for sure not as good as at our last concert. I had some monitor trouble, which was problematic. Oh well. Fantastic audience!
CD1- Set I
Opening to the Sky 28:40, In the Key of Something 30:29
Just do it, Man 13:07, Wienerslugjam 42:59
CD3- Set II
Synth Intro 8:10, Cafe Cairo Space Out 17:03, Jam for Horst 21:10, Amazing Audience 2:13