�resund Space Jam 1- Malm�, Sweden 23/4/04


Well, we had talked about jamming together ever since we first met but this was the first time we actually did it and no one really knew that it would work so well and we would have such a great time. Magnus and I took the train over from Copenhagen. I brought the Nord Lead 2 and the Boss Effects Unit and Magnus just his Paul Reed Smith Guitar. Dave picked us up at the station in his van and we met the others. We also brought a case of beer as Beer cost half the price in Denmark compared to Sweden. We all set up and had some beers and a smoke and we were ready to play. Magnus borrowed a few pedals and played through an old Leslie Cabinet. It had a pretty ok sound actually.

We played 4 jams on this night, the first two were about 30 minutes each and then the next two 15 and 19 minutes. The last jam, was based on a new Bland Bladen song called H�ralden, but we played it a bit slower and more spaced out. It was a great night and the recordings came out excellent.

After, most all of us went back to Kaufmanns and we stayed up until 5 in the morning drinking whiskey and Beer and listening to all sorts of cool music. It was a great night.

CD1 Whare are my Feet? 31:40, What happened to my Toes 29:07

CD2 Spacekcake 19:16, Stoned H�rolden 15:19