Øresund Space Jam, Black Tornado Studio, K�benhavn July 15th, 2005


We arrived at the studio at 12 and started to load in the gear. Everyone was there except for Mognes who had to work until 3-4. It took a long time to get all the gear set up, mics, headphones for 8 people and the sound so we could just jam. It was 15:30 when we had the first jam. IT was quite strange to have us all jamming when people were totally straight (not yet high!). Despite a lot of people not hearing each other it was a very cool first jam piece. The sun had now hit the room where we were set up and it was damn hot and sweaty in there. OUr 2nd jam (after a beer and a joint) was 46 minutes long and very spaced out. The guitar players are playing very hesitently for some reason. They can't loosen up. We created some cool grooves for sure.


We took a long break for beer and food and tried to come up with some funny names for the jams with stuff like P.F. Poo, I don't remember a thing, First steps in the space Pod, etc... The next jam after the pizza was 30 minutes long but lacked energy. We are not playing like we normally do in the rehearsal room. We have been hearing the whole jams in between the different jams and the sound is amazing and it is not even mixed except very roughly. Jam #4, our last of the session did not have michael playing as he had crashed out. It started with a very cool ambient piece and sebastian played his best guitar for sure. Towards the end of this dave stopped playing bass as well and we just went into full ambient mode... In the end 32GB of data were recorded. A hard but fun day.


Equipment used:

Søren- DQ Custom Drum Kit

Dave- Mesa Boogie 5 Speaker Bass cabinet and 400+ Amplifer (thanks Pickled Platypus!), Fender Jazz Bass

Michael- EBS HD350 Bass Amplifier and unknown cabinet, Fender Precision Bass

Magnus- Mesa Boogie 50/50 Stereo Tube Amp and stereo cabinets, Scream 3 Premap for Guitar, TC Electronics G-Force,

Paul Reed Smith Guitar, Clyde Deluxe Fulltone Wah, Radial Dragster- Load Correction

Ross Comperssor, Ibanez Tube Screamer, Amdex Phaser, Boss FV300L Volume pedal,Roland FC-200 midi control board

Sebastian- Marshall 1960 Vintage Cabinet and 30th Anniversay 62'-92' head, Fender Stratocaster 2004

Gollmer- Fat Dist, Ibanez Phaser, Boss Compression-Sustainer CS-3, Optical Control Stereo Delay reverb, Cry Baby Wah

Mogens- Roland JP8000, Hammond XB-2

Scott- NOrd Lead 2

Ola- Electrix Repeater, NOrd Modular, TC electronics D-Two Delay Unit



SM57 Shure on Sebastian

Telefunken (Danish mics) on Magnus

AKGD112 on Dave

M496 (germany) old cool mike on Michael

Lots of cool mics on sørens drums