Øresund Space Jam, K�benhavn Oct 15th, 2005


I picked up Tobias (Carpet Knights) from the Ørestad station at 19:30 and we got some beer and headed straight over to the rehearsal room. Everyone was there but they were not set up yet. A british guy named Aston brought his clarinet and french horn (did not play it into the microphone), Kasper had conga's set up and Mikael Krog (Ex- Mantric Muse) was set up with his guitar. I thought he was going to play keyboards so I was quite surprised. So today, it was just me and mogens on synths and 3 guitar players and conga, drums, bass and maybe clarinet... The usual supply of beers and joints and everyone was ready to fly... This is the most funky we ever have been.


The first jam, was a bit of chaos as we all tried to find our sound and while you could hear the congas and clarinet when it was low, these sounds were soon lost in the loud sound. Everyone was turned up later. The soundcheck jam was like 27 minutes.. After a few adjustments (not quite good enough), we jammed for another 51 minutes. Tobias played some very cool guitar and started some cool riffs. I just love the sound he gets with this digitech wammy pedal.

We had another 35 min jam and then Michael and Mikael had to leave so magnus took over on bass and kasper played the drums and søren the percussion. We tried to keep the level down a bit... It never really works that well. We always buildup and get loud. Another 30 minutes and we took another short break. I took my gear down but the others still wanted to play (but I was not recording anymore) and they all switched around instruments and mogens played bass, tobias played bass, magnus played drums or OSCar, Aston played magnus's guitar, mogens played magnus's guitar and later Tobias's guitar. IT was mostly just fucking around and not that cool but the end when Tobias played this very repetitive CAN- Circle like bass line and Magnus wrapped around some cool synth loops and mogens played some guitar and a friend of kaspers played digeridoo (you could hardly hear it). This was cool and I wish I had recorded this.

A fun night as always and some good music... enjoy.......


Scott and the OSC



Clarinet lost in Space 27:42, Tippy Toes 20:15, Hyperdrive 11:29, Starhead 14:04


OSC Shafted 10:18, Creaks in the Floor 14:40, Chasing the Unknown 18:47, Messin' with the Funk 9:06, Can't leave the funk behind 10:34, I want to be a reggae song but my owner won't let me 9:38