Øresund Space Jam, Malm� Sweden Dec. 4th, 2004

Well, I picked up S�ren and then Magnus and then we went to pick up the gear and Michael and off to Malm�. It costs 460kr to take the bridge roundtrip or 170kr each for the train, so it is worth it. It just means one of us (me) has to stay sober to drive. We arrive at the rehearsal room around 17:30 and Kaufmann is there. Anders and I go pick up the Novation (Nova II) and some extra mics and cables from Tobias and Jocke from the Carpet Knights and get back and they are mostly set up now. Eduardo, from Sgt. Sunshine was suppose to jam with us but blew us off completely. Tobias was also suppose to join but is under pressure as Record Heaven will release his band, the Carpet Knights CD, in January and they have to finish it first!

As we were going to have fewer players, I called Sabana up and he coudl make it for a while, so that was great. We had talked about putting mics on all the instruments except the drums and try to take an output from the mixer to the MD to see if we could get a better recording. I was running back and forth out into the hall for the best of an hour while these guys warmed up trying to get it right. In the end, we never did get it so that we could hear the synths on the recordings. There is a few jams recorded through the mixer using the Core sound mics to pick up the drums and synths in the room, but we never got it right. Anyway, we recorded about 100 minutes of stuff in the end and you can hear some of it! Enjoy........