Øresund Space Jam, K�benhavn Jan 29th, 2005

I picked up Sölvi, Sabana, and Dave from the main train station about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. We went straight to the grocery store to buy beer and we got lots! A case of half liter Carlsberg, two six packs of 38cl tuborg classic and some more. When we arrived they were all setting up and it looked like I would be the only synth player as Mogens could not make it. It was Dave's birthday so he and Sölvi, were all dressed up in suits and ties and looked quite strange compared to the rest of us space rockers. A big joint was smoked and we were off. The first jam was about and hour and had 3 guitars (Magnus, Sabana and Solvi) and Dave on bass. Michael had not yet arrived. The sound in the rehearsal room was excellent and I found a great place for the microphones. The last part of the jam was not useable as Solvi decided to play some drums and he was not good. Cool guitarist...but stay away from the drums...

We decided to go and get some pizzas and this was a good idea to get everyones energy level back up.

After a beer and joint break, we were back and this jam was almost 80 minutes long and went through some amazing transitions. I was totally blown away by the stuff that Magnus and Sabana were playing and the interaction between us all had never been this good. Michael and Dave are both playing bass on a lot of this jam.

Jam #3 started with Sölvi playing some really cool bass lines and Kroglund played some synths with me and magnus on drums. Later, Solvi and Dave were playing guitars with Magnus and Sabana and they were playing something in one direction and magnus and Sabana in the other. IT sounded really strange but ended up quite cool. YOu can hear this one as Acid Soup. THis jam was 71 minutes.

There was a 4th jam but people were pretty stoned and feeling the beers now as well so this was quite strange and ended after 25 minutes........ Overall, this was our best session ever. Everyone was pretty pleased with the material we created. I have started to play with compression and reverb on the recordings to try to better optimize the sound.


No animals were harmed during this session.



CD1 The Space Funk begins 8:29, Oscillating Bones 17:40, Øresund Space Glide 20:54, Don't play the drums Sölvi 11:42

CD2 Slow jouren into Space 22:33, Journey picks up Speed 10:00, Space Funker enters the Black Hole 143:51, Space Funker Pt2 8:52

CD3 Funk-o Rama 16:52, There's something in the Cave 9:51, Green in the Blue Room 8:07, GrooveFO 11:09, Acid Soup 30:35