Øresund Space Jam, Dragens Hule, K�benhavn Feb 25th. 2005

This was the debut gig of the Øresund Space Collective. Everyone was in good spirits even though some of the members were not feeling very well. We played with two other bands on this night, Dream Jockey and Tender Prey. Both were a totally different kind of music but both quite good. The crowd was clearly mostly here to see us (I think some thought they were going to see Mantric Muse!). It was a very late night. We did not get to start playing before 1:30 in the morning and we played until nearly 5! We took a couple of small breaks but pretty much kept the space music flowing and the people still wanted more at 5 in the morning. The response was amazing from the people. The line up of two guitars, two bassists, drums, conga-djembe, percussion, two synthesizers, worked amazingly well. All of the stuff was recorded and sounds quite good. We really were on a great journey this night and played stuff like we have not played since some of the early jams sessions.

The music is broken down into 13 peices of music. Some or all of ths show will be available.


CD1 1. Opening Jam 17:22 2. 2nd jam of the Night 15:53 3. Ho-Hum 13:45 4. Warm up Finished- Flying Now 17:18

CD2 1. Sinister Smile 15:57 2. Dragens Funk 11:11 3. Dreams fade away 6:09 4. Blues Rocker 13:01 5. 8:58

CD3 1. Let�s get it On! 12:43 2. Going with the Flow 11:45 3. 2nd to Last Jam 20:24 4. The last step out the door 12:05