Day 4 (Kinky Star, Gent, BE)
It was pretty late when we finished and got back to Jürgen and Richard’s
place. We had arranged to try to get the van looked at as it was starting to
sound worse and really worry us. We would load the gear from the venue at
14:30 and then hit the road to Gent, which is only 120kms. Jiri did not
manage to get anything fixed so we have to just hope for the best and head
to Gent.

Loading the van for Belgium
Traffic was horrible and again it took too long to pack the van and we ended up arrive around 18. We were late again, arriving about 18:15. Supposed to be there at 18 at the latest. It did not really matter at all though as the sound guy did not come until nearly 1930 and we were all set up and ready to soundcheck but he had to mic things and setup monitors, etc. Nice small club but very very hot. IT was 28C outside and there is no ventilation in this club, which has a legal capacity of 49. There were about 100 people if you include all out on the street. Everything was a bit chaotic, not sure about food, where we sleep, etc. and the people at the club just referred to someone else all the time, talk to this person.

Kinky Star

Kinky Star Gent
In the end it worked out ok and we got burgers that I paid for (113€) and we would get paid back but we did not. All the money stuff will happen later by bank transfer. Super nice people running this DIY place where all the gigs are free. Place is a sort of legendary underground place being around for 20 years. Official capacity is 49 people. BMC hit the stage a bit before 9 and we really had a long space out on Supernova from the Andromeda record. I had never played this track live with the band before. Sweat was dripping down my face, it was really hot. Stone Cold Killer is a hard rocking one that I did not play much on that was on a split 7” record. We closed with a 25min version of American Eagle from the first EP. Great show. Good interaction with the band and Vemund played some killer solos at the end of the show.

Simon BMC

Vemund BMC
ØSC came on about 22:20 and played until nearly midnight. The guys were overheated, and tired but we still pulled off a good show and the first time we played this trancy stuff and closed with a reggae jam. I think we played 100 mins. Luc, from Chrohinga Well magazine and Magic Mushroom radio, was there and it was so nice to meet them. I had been corresponding with him and selling him records for 20 years. A lot of great fans. I think we sold a lot of records. We did not crash out until 2. Sabine, Jiri and I crashed at the soundman’s place, which was a nice apartment, while the others went to a local squat that was horrible. No shower, bugs, and just pretty nasty they said. Again, no one got more than about 4-5hrs sleep. This is the worst for Jonathan and me as we can’t sleep in cars and are the old guys in the band. The rest all just pass out in the car and can get some more sleep.
CD Artwork
spacejam155 spacejam155


Jiri- Tim
Fotos below by Mr Jacobs (Psychedelic Salad)