Day 7
I was up at 8 with the birds and it was very quiet around here. Beautiful place in the forest with lovely trees and the largest cherry tree I have ever seen. It was a great night last night and ØSC played over 2hrs and people were dancing, smiling and screaming. Wow… what a night. I crashed at 02. Not sure about the rest of the guys. There were still over 100 people there when we ended and I am sure we could have played longer if we did not have to get up so early to head to Austria. OSC sold 365€ in merch last night. Not bad.
We are trying to be up at 9:30, pack the van at 10 and hit the road. 404km today and if we can only drive 90km/hr, we will take at least 5 hrs with 2 stops. We are supposed to arrive at 17 today. We will see how it goes. We managed to leave about 11:15. We had a strange altercation with a taxi driver who wanted us to move the van so he could drive past us on the narrow street outside the house. Lots of cars, including a quite big jeep made it by but he was a bit aggressive and Jonathan surprised me a bit and really was direct with the guy and told him to just cool it and not be a dick. He could easily make if he wanted to and he already drove by us once, so what the fuck was his problem. Bizarre. We stopped around 13 to get some food and coffee and were on the road 40mins later. We have about 300kms to go. Listening to Monster Magnet, ØSC, Exploding Plastic from Norway and some jazz thing. We should be on time before 17 if don’t stop and the van is ok. It really does not do well on hills. We had a good laugh when we passed the town of Wankheim! We actually laugh and joke in the van a lot. We were nearly breaking down crying with laughter when we start joking around about having a wine pump and running your car on wine in Portugal since it is cheaper than gas or diesel!! Great guys… the humor really keeps us sane and happy. 16:45 We arrived at the venue no problem.
A very nice place and Hallein (hall-line) is a very beautiful small town. Wow. There was a nice stage and great upstairs backstage with beer, soda, water, pretzel snacks, and cookies, nice. It was very hot and they allow smoking inside which was not cool. The organizer and soundman, Christopher was very cool and treated us well. Soundcheck took forever and I had a major crisis and was very depressed as my modular synth had died and would not power up. We ended up taking it all apart and replacing the fuse. We were so lucky that the sound guy actual had the one I needed. It is not exactly the same, 400mA but a bit stronger but it worked. If it was truly dead, I would have probably just sat on the stage very depressed. I lost the cable for the kaossolator pad in Nurnberg so I would only have the monotron to play. Christopher saved the day again and had the cable I could borrow. Cool. Anyway, they did not have food ready until nearly 20:30 and it was just spaghetti with some cans of tomato sauce. Pretty terrible. The worst food of the tour. People were really let down. There was no cheese or bread. Just pasta and tasteless canned tomatoes. This is really not good enough. We will have to change the rider to make sure this does not happen. The band was tired and hungry and you get crap food. Not good and it effects your mood and everything. BMC hit the stage at 21:30 and played a short 45mins set but excellent and very focused. Jack’s Cold Sweat (which is the soundcheck song every night), Andromeda and Barnard’s Loop. I thought I played well and the whole band sounded great. Øyvin’s vocal was not that good though. I forgot to plug in the external mic so the BMC recording is not that good. I think Sabine filmed it.
ØSC managed to get started about 22:35, I think. We stopped a bit after
midnight, about 100min show, which is close to the avg set length. It was a
small crowd, only about 30 people. A very warm and smoky club. My lungs hurt
afterwards. We sold 180€ merch. The band opened with a very cool spacey
number and then Tim, kicked into high gear and we played a lot of high
energy stuff. Jonathan had great melodies in his head last night and Vemund
layed down some killer kraut rock guitar riffs to jam on. Mogens did some
solos but not nearly as many solos as the night before. I felt we were a bit
tired and this was for sure our worst show of the tour. I think the lack of
a decent meal killed the mood and we had no energy. Hubert our biggest
Austrian fan really enjoyed the show a lot. Wulfie was also there from Go
Bananas. We packed the van and then walked to the B&B. Got to bed at 02.
We planned to get up at 9:30 and have breakfast and get to the van at 10:15
if we can.
CD Artwork
back spacejam158

Austrian Alps

Jonathan gets some acupuncture.

Mural at the venue

Hallein- beautiful town

Guys looking at the poster at the venue