Day 3
IT was really late when we got to bed and were too late to get started. It
took 75mins to pack the van and we had a ton of traffic issues so we will be
arrived really late to the club. We heard the new Friendship (Norwegian
band) and people did not like it that much. We heard the new SEID, Albino
Rhino. Rovo with System 7. We are running really late and trying to hurry
but people are really worried about the van and what we are going to do if
it gets worse or breaks down. Sound in the rear differential is getting
worse. Mogens is really concerned. 17:30 Due to traffic we are still in
Germany and have at least 2hrs more to get there. Fuck. I sent Jürgen a
message to let him know we will be late. We heard some of the jams from the
ØSC meets BMC session and people liked it a lot. We were supposed to get
there at 18 and we arrived at 19:45. BMC were to play at 20:30 since it was
a Sunday night. Anyway, it was a very rushed set up. Most of the fans were
already there when we arrived. We did manage to set up and eat and get BMC
on the stage before 21. Impressive. Stage set up was strange and Jonathan
had no place for the Theremin, etc.…. It is a small and difficult stage for
us. The BMC set was three long songs:
Last time we played there we played for more than 3hrs in 2 sets. There were about 60 paid people tonight and a great audience. I think we played very well and we tried some things we had not. Vemund was on fire and amazing but this was really Jonathan’s night. I think his playing was incredible and diverse. Everyone was on top. Jiri is sort of the musical leader on the stage, choosing keys and direction, which I think is very cool. Tim is having the time of his life and is so happy to be able to take all these changes and try strange grooves and rhythms. We for sure take people on some unique trips. I think we played 1hr 40mins. Great night. All these great Belgium beers took its toll and Øyvin was very drunk and funny and Vemund had a few too many. Band is very tired now but we can get a good sleep in tomorrow except Jiri who will get up early and try to get the van fixed. We were able to leave the gear in the venue and arrange to load it at 14:30.

Dr Space and French Fan after the show
CD Artwork
spacejam154 spacejam154
Video by Joe Paradiso