Loppen, Christiania, Denmark May 25th, 2018
Day 1 This was the first show of 9 day tour through 5 countries. I arrived at Loppen around 15 and Tim and Jiri were already there. It was great to see everyone and the weather was excellent. There were a lot of police in Christiania so it was a strange vibe but there were a lot of people trying to have a good time but this is very stressful. Passive aggressive behaviour for no good reason. Mogens and Jonathan arrived about 15:30 almost exactly the same time that Vemund and Øyvin drive up. This was so great to see the BMC guys again. Simon had taken the train so he was already here somewhere. Big hugs and smiles when we met again. Everyone is so excited. All went smooth with the get in, set up, soundcheck, etc.. Loppen is just the best venue. Great staff. We all had some food together about 19:15 and a few other things had to be sorted out but all was good and people were happy and in a great mood. Dinner was great. Yum.. Doors opened at 21 and BMC were to hit the stage right at 22 but there were very few people, 20 or so. We decided to wait 15mins to start. IT was a good small crowd and it felt really good to play with the band again. We played 3 tracks and a quite intense set. Great interaction with the guys as usual. 4th time for BMC to play in Copenhagen and I thick people like them quite a bit. Set list: Sadly, the input for the recorder was set too high as it was for the show the night before so the recording is totally distorted. Useless. Pity. I tried to see if we could do a multitrack or at least a 2-channel soundboard but it was not possible. Strange. When ØSC hit the stage I guess there was 80 people or so but a lot of smiling faces and nice to see my daughter, wife and lots of friends. Turns out there were 68 paid people and 24 on the guest list (too many) so about 100 people total. IT was great to play with ØSC again. I think we played about 100 minutes. The show was pretty laid back at the start and lacked some intensity, as Tim was quite tentative. Vemund was on fire and just playing amazing and intense lead guitar. There was great dynamics and people enjoyed the show a lot. My friend Anders videotaped both bands. IT was nice to see some people from Sweden (Gustaf, Mikael, Eric, Anders, Ann-Karin, and others). You can hear the show below.

Mogens, Tim and Jonathan backstage at Loppen
CD Artwork
spacejam152 spacejam152